Pacojet Coupe Set

By Pacojet

Mince, chop, puree, whip, foam or mix: Extend the functionality of your Pacojet 4. The Pacojet Coupe Set allows you to process fresh, non-frozen foods with unique benefits. Pacojet rotates the blade cutters or the whipping disk equally downwards through your fresh ingredients from the top of the beaker to the bottom, ensuring exquisite results every time.

*/ Suitable for Pacojet 4.


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Pacojet Coupe Set: High performance à la minute

  1. Cut without crushing. Processing with the extremely sharp cutters preserves the colors and structure of your ingredients between the smoothly cut edges.
  2. No heat transfer. Thanks to fast processing and intelligent construction, no heat transfer occurs. Perfect for taste, color and hygiene.
  3. Undiluted flavor. The top-down processing ensures the blades work with uniform consistency without adding liquids.
  4. 100% yield. Even the smallest quantities can be perfectly processed and completely removed from the beaker.
  5. Maximum freshness. In a processing time of only one minute, you can prepare e.g. two portions of tartare, five portions of cream, etc. à la minute.

*/ Attention! The Pacojet Coupe Set PLUS is only compatible with Pacojet PLUS machines.


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